Friday, November 29, 2019
11 Writing Exercises to Inspire You and Strengthen Your Writing
11 Writing Exercises to Inspire You and Strengthen Your Writing 11 Writing Exercises to Inspire You and Strengthen Your Writing 11 Writing Exercises to Inspire You and Strengthen Your Writing By Ali Hale Whether you’re writing just for fun, for school, or with professional goals in mind, these exercises can all help you to improve your writing. Some will give you inspiration, others will help you avoid editing as you write, and many of them will help you pay closer attention to your word choices. I hope you’ll enjoy giving them a go! #1: Cover Your Screen While You Write If you find yourself doing more editing than actual writing, then try covering up (or, on a laptop, turning down) your screen while you draft. If, like me, you can touch-type – try closing your eyes instead. I find it surprisingly relaxing! (Though I tend to stop every sentence or two to make sure I’ve hit the keys I thought I was hitting) At first, it might seem odd not to be able to see the words that you’re typing – but you might well find that you write faster and express your thoughts more freely this way. #2: Set a Daily Writing Goal and Track Your Progress Writing, as most other crafts, only gets better with practice. If you want to improve, therefore, you will need to write pretty much every single day. The best strategy to achieve this objective is to set a goal of how many words you want to write per day, and then to track your progress over time. A simple notebook or spreadsheet should be enough for you to record your daily statistics. The Prolifiko blog has a great piece with more tips to set writing goals and resolutions and to make sure you achieve them. #3: Use a Writing Prompt to Get You Going If you want to write, but you don’t know what you want to write, try using a writing prompt. This could be anything from a story scenario (â€Å"write about someone who gets caught in a lie†) to a blog post title (â€Å"Ten Things I Wish I Could Tell My 15-Year-Old Self†). Here are a couple of sources of prompts to keep you busy for a while: 25 creative writing prompts, a list of prompts you can use to start writing a simple story or even a novel. 365 Creative Writing Prompts, from Think Written – a mixed bag of prompts, with some for stories and some for poems; many would also work for blogging. Even if you’re working on a longer piece, like a novel, prompts can be helpful. A line of dialogue, for instance, might give you just the inspiration you need for your next scene. #4: Don’t Start at the Beginning Start at the End There’s no writing rule that says you need to begin at the beginning. In fact, many writers find it more effective to start at the end. You can do this in a couple of different ways: Start your story (or blog post, etc) close to the chronological end – e.g. you might begin with â€Å"As I stared down the mountain, I couldn’t believe I was actually here†You can then jump back in time and narrate the events that led up to that point. Write the end of your blog post (or story, etc) first. Once you’ve written your concluding paragraphs or final scenes, you’ll know what you’re leading up to. If you prefer not to write it out in full, you could make notes. #5: Rewrite a Masterpiece or a Famous Story Choose a famous masterpiece or classic novel (like Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice or Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet) and write your own version. This is a great exercise because you can do it at almost any level: you could write a short story for children, or you could write a whole novel or screenplay. (Bridget Jones’s Diary, for instance, borrowed heavily from Pride and Prejudice; the children’s movie Gnomeo and Juliet is based, as you might guess, on Romeo and Juliet.) You can do this with fairytales, too, like the story of Cinderella or Little Red Riding Hood. You might decide to bring the stories into the modern world – or you might switch to a completely different genre, like a Western version of Little Red Riding Hood or a sci-fi version of Cinderella. Hopefully, you’ll think of some interesting ways to present an old story in a new way – great practice for avoiding clichà ©s and stereotypes in your own writing. #6: Create a Found Poem from Your Spam Folder A â€Å"found poem†is one created from text that already exists – and some writers enjoy repurposing spam emails for this! Check your spam folder. I’m sure that, like mine, it’s full of emails with some strange wording and dubious promises like: I did not need to find a winning product. he gave it to me Just drinking 1 cup of this delicious hot beverage in the morning sets you up to burn more fat than 45 exhausting minutes on the treadmill. Hello %E-mail_address%, I know your very love Engineer Jobs and want have T-Shirt for Engineer Jobs. It is vital to have a telephone system that has all the specific functions (All of these are taken verbatim from my own spam folder) Could you pick out a few lines (they don’t have to be consecutive ones) to create your own found poem? Feel free to add some words if needed. There are some wonderfully odd examples here. #7: Write Something Inspired By a Piece of Writing, Music or Art Inspiration can come in all sorts of ways – but if you’re struggling to find an idea, try turning to other people’s creative works. In my blogging, I’ve often been inspired by other people’s post structures, by an idea of theirs that I want to take further – or even by something they’ve written that I disagree with. You can use music and art in a similar way: they can be particularly potent sources of ideas for stories. If you have a favourite song or artist, what in their work speaks to you? How could you craft a story using some of those themes or thoughts? Alternatively, look through some photos of artworks, and choose one or more to use as the basis for a story. #8: Interview Your Novel’s Characters This is a fun exercise that a lot of writers use to dig into who their characters are: the character interview. You can work through a pre-set list of questions, or you can come up with your own in advance, or you can just start typing and go with the flow! You might do this essentially like a character questionnaire or checklist, or you might want to write it more like a mini-story, with you as the author inviting your character to sit down and talk. Depending on the sort of fiction you write, the setting for your interview could be almost anything – perhaps you’re enjoying a casual chat over coffee and cake with your character, or maybe you’re interviewing them as a journalist, or even in court. Or, if you’re into rather darker fiction, you might be conducting an interrogation However you do this, it’s a great exercise to have fun with, and you might discover a whole backstory to your character that you’d never thought about before. #9: Use the Alphabet This is a fun exercise that can work for almost any type of writing: craft a piece where each sentence starts with the next letter of the alphabet. Here’s the start of one to show you what I mean: At six oclock, Josie woke up. Before shed even opened her eyes, she knew what had woken her: she could hear it, just like shed heard it every Friday morning for months. Cliff, her neighbour, was out in his garden. Despite all the times shed gone round and asked him, through gritted teeth, to please wait until at least seven, he was mowing the blasted lawn again. â€Å"Excuse me!†she called, over the fence. For a moment, she thought he hadn’t heard her over the sound of the mower. (Yes, it’s tricky once you get to X! You might find this list helpful, or you might choose to use a sentence-starting word that merely contains an X.) #10: Write with a Sentence Length Limit in Place Can you limit every sentence you write to ten words? (Or fewer!) This might be tricky. It’s a great exercise for bloggers and online marketers, though. Short snappy sentences and paragraphs work well online. You might want to draft as normal, then edit ruthlessly. Or you could count the words as you type. Whatever works for you! (Yes, the sentences in this section are ten words max) #11: Write Without Using Any Adverbs This is a common exercise advised for fiction writers: write a whole scene without using a single adverb. Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives and adverbs. They often (though not always) end with –ly. Here are a few sentences with the adverbs indicated in bold: The girl walked quickly to school. (â€Å"Quickly†is modifying the verb â€Å"walked†.) Slowly, the fairly tall man stood.  (â€Å"Slowly†is modifying the verb â€Å"stood†, and â€Å"fairly†is modifying the adjective â€Å"tall†) On the bus, the baby cried dismayingly loudly. (â€Å"Dismayingly†is modifying the adverb â€Å"loudly†, and â€Å"loudly†is modifying the verb â€Å"cried†.) Writing without adverbs forces you to write crisper, clearer (and shorter!) sentences, which often have more impact. In particular, you’ll find yourself choosing stronger verbs. All of these sentences could replace â€Å"The girl walked quickly to school†– and each has a slightly different nuance: The girl strode to school. The girl hurried to school. The girl power-walked to school. Of course, adverbs aren’t bad in themselves – so I don’t recommend avoiding them in all your writing! This exercise can help you, though, to be more aware of when you’re using adverbs unnecessarily. Pick one of the above exercises to try out during your writing time this week. (If you’re feeling up for it, pick two and combine them – how about rewriting a classic without using any adverbs?) Have fun! Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:4 Types of Gerunds and Gerund Phrases60 Synonyms for â€Å"Trip†6 Foreign Expressions You Should Know
Monday, November 25, 2019
Verb Mood and Voice in Spanish
Verb Mood and Voice in Spanish When we think about the properties that verbs might have, chances are that the first property that comes to mind is its tense: Does it refer to actions in the past, present or future? But verbs also have two other grammatical properties that are important to understanding how they are used: their mood and their voice. The mood of a verb (sometimes called the mode of a verb) is a property that relates to how the person using the verb feels about its factuality or likelihood; the distinction is made much more often in Spanish than it is in English. The voice of a verb has more to do with the grammatical structure of the sentence in which it is used in and refers to the connection between a verb and its subject or object. The three moods: Both English and Spanish have three verb moods: The indicative mood is the normal verb form used in everyday statements. In a sentence such as I see the dog (Veo el perro), the verb is in the indicative mood.The subjunctive mood is used in many statements that are contrary to fact, are hoped for or are in doubt. This mood is by far more common in Spanish, since it has mostly disappeared in English. An example of the subjunctive in English is the verb in the phrase if I were rich (si fuera rico in Spanish), which refers to a contrary-to-fact condition. The subjunctive is also used in a sentence such as I request that my pseudonym be published (pido que se publique mi seudà ³nimo), which indicates a type of desire.The imperative mood is used to give direct commands. The short sentence Leave! ( ¡Sal tà º!) is in the imperative mood. More about the subjunctive mood: Because it is so frequently necessary in Spanish yet unfamiliar to English speakers, the subjunctive mood is an endless source of confusion for many Spanish students. Here are some lessons that will guide you through its usage: Introduction to the subjunctive mood: This lesson gives examples of when the subjunctive mood is used and compares them with sentences in the indicative mood. In the mood: A more detailed list of examples where the subjunctive mood is used. Tenses of the subjunctive mood: Tenses in the subjunctive mood are seldom intuitive. Conjugation of the subjunctive mood. Future subjunctive: The future subjunctive is very rare in Spanish and is archaic in most uses, but it does exist. Subordinate conjunctions: Verbs in dependent clauses are often in the subjunctive mood. Translating might: Sentences translating the English auxiliary verb might often use a clause in the subjunctive mood. I dont believe ...: The negative form of the verb creer (to believe) is typically followed by a verb in the subjunctive mood. Ways of making requests: The imperative and subjunctive moods arent as distinct in Spanish as they are in English, and the subjunctive is often used to make requests. Sentence structure a nd the subjunctive: Although the subjunctive usually isnt used to refer to actual, real events, it can be when the structure of the sentence so requires. Statements of necessity: Verb phrases such as es necesario que (it is necessary that) are generally followed by a verb in the subjunctive mood. Statements of fear: These are sometimes followed by a verb in the subjunctive mood. Use with opinar: Although the subjunctive mood is usually used in giving opinions, it usually isnt used with opinar. More about the imperative mood: The imperative mood is used for making direct commands or requests, but it is far from the only way to ask that someone do something. These lessons look at the different ways of making requests: Direct commands. Making requests without using the imperative mood. Making polite requests. Active and passive voice: The voice of a verb depends primarily on the structure of a sentence. Verbs used in a normal fashion, in which the subject of the sentence is performing the action of the verb, are in the active voice. An example of a sentence in the active voice is Sandi bought a car (Sandi comprà ³ un coche). When the passive voice is used, the subject of the sentence is acted on by the verb; the person or thing performing the action of the verb isnt always specified. An example of a sentence in the passive voice is The car was bought by Sandi (El coche fue comprado por Sandi). In both languages, a past participle (bought and comprado) is used to form the passive voice. It is important to note that, while common in English, the passive voice isnt used as much in Spanish. A common reason for using the passive voice is to avoid stating who or what is performing the action of a verb. In Spanish, that same goal can be accomplished by using verbs reflexively.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Impact of Vietnam War on American culture Research Paper
Impact of Vietnam War on American culture - Research Paper Example There were various innovative factors that contributed to the perception of the war. One of them is the transmission of the information of the war by the media particularly television. Its impact on the Vietnam’s war played a more significant role than in any other conflict in the 20th century. It was an innovative method that replaced newspapers and radios, which were the main mode of broadcasting at the time. The general public was involved in the Vietnam struggle raising the height of public opposition. Due to the unlimited access of journalists and photographers in the battlefields, the public were able to see the war as they had never seen before. The war influenced almost all branches of the American culture. However, it is crucial to determine how much the description of the war influenced the lives of the Americans and the whether its representation changed over time. The diverse methods used in approaching the Vietnam War were in accordance to various forms of artistic designs and all forms of cultural categories. Thus, the combination of all the factors of the war resulted into Americans growing tired of the violence and encouraged them to come up with efforts to find their way out of the war. One of the impacts that the war had on the American culture was on the literary culture of the Americans. In the first few years after the withdrawal of the Americans from the war, there were less literary works to represent the attitudes toward the Vietnam War. The change overturned in the late 1970’s and early 1980 are when various forms of literary works started to floods the markets. Most of them represented personal narratives from individuals who had first hand experiences of the war. One good example is the novel, armies of the night by Norman Mailer in 1968. It represented a reflection of the march on the pentagon in DC in 1967 (Anderson, 2011).
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Movie Entertainment Industry ( Current Issues ) Research Paper
The Movie Entertainment Industry ( Current Issues ) - Research Paper Example The strategy is quite simple: movies became more larger than life, splashier and are made to impress in order to attract the public who have become more sophisticated in their tastes. This has become the blockbuster formula that has worked for major studios. By 2002 the annual ticket sales peaked at $1.6 billion.1 After this period, however, one can no longer say the same. In 2008, the figure dropped to $1.3 billion while the audience registered a constant decline in size across all segments of the movie-going public except teenage boys.2 Hollywood’s formula for blockbuster films - one that has so far succeeded in impressing the audience and keep them coming back - relies much on technology because it is crucial in providing flashier visual effects, which has been proven to appeal to a broader audience. Background According to Vanhala (2011), the average production cost of a movie from a major studio is $55 million with an additional $27 million to advertise and market, a tota l of almost a hundred million per film.3 Big productions that almost often assure box-office success could cost a studio up to 300 million dollars such as with the cases of Spiderman 3 and Pirates of the Caribbean 3. The figures are humungous and one could often hear producers lament about the viability of moviemaking and of the way films lose even with a decent performance at the box office. The complaint is not entirely unfounded. A detailed explanation has been offered by Vanhala as it was suggested that domestic box office, home video, DVD, television and cable revenues often cannot collectively cover the invested money in a film unless it is a major blockbuster.4 Pricewaterhouse-Coopers reported that the major studios’ revenues can be broken down as follows: 1) theatrical box office 24.6 percent; 2) television 28.8 percent; and 3) Home Video 46.6 percent.5 There are those who would argue that other means of revenues could make up for box office losses but this is not alw ays the case. According to the Motion Pictures Association of America â€Å"most films never recoup their initial investment.†6 A case in point is Prince’s (2002) discussion of movie revenue in which he stressed: There is little home video revenue left over to pay back the substantial negative cost still on the books from a theatrical flop. Home video success in such a case is significant for the company’s cash flow and especially for its home video profit center, but profit participants due a percentage on the theatrical flop are unlikely to be close to paydirt.7 It is not surprising, hence, when both academics and economists brand moviemaking in American as a risky affair. The dynamics by which film financing are undertaken with their complex and elaborate risk-sharing schemes underscore this point. Today, films are no longer produced by one studio or entity. Investors are pooled, which include corporate entities and other third-parties such as A-list actors, directors and producers.8 Out of all of the dismal statistics cited, however, it is interesting to note that Hollywood still makes about 400-600 films each year.9 The answer to this puzzle is crucial in identifying the effect of technology in movie-making. Understanding them can help outline the importance of technology in American filmmaking today. There are two identified drivers to the American film industry’s profitability: blockbuster films and the international market. These two areas proved to be not just the
Monday, November 18, 2019
WEAK ANTHROPOCENTRIC INTRINSIC VALUE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
WEAK ANTHROPOCENTRIC INTRINSIC VALUE - Essay Example vation made by Hargrove, the subject of discussion that he appears to have failed in, is disputing the concept of subjectivist nonanthropocentric intrinsic value. The theory of subjective nonathropocentric value theory, as presented by J. Baird Callicott observes that nature has no value of its own, unless it is given to it by human beings, since values depend entirely on human judgment (Hargrove, 194). While Hargrove tends to dispute this argument by arguing that nature has its intrinsic value, there is a reason to disagree with his argument, since without the judgment conferred upon nature by human beings to determine its value, there is no way that nature on its own can possess value. In disputing Hargrove’s argument against subjective nonathropocentric value theory, I contend with J. Baird Callicott, that something becomes valuable only because somebody values it (Hargrove, 195). It is apparent that all value depends on the subjective feelings of human observers, and that value will hardly exist in nature, unless it is given to it by human value judgment (Hargrove,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Impressionism Vs Post Impressionism Film Studies Essay
The Impressionism Vs Post Impressionism Film Studies Essay Impressionism was a movement or style of painting that originated and developed in France in 1870s and distinguished by its focus on the immediate impression produced by a landscape or scene and use of the primary colors to replicate actual reflected light. The style was characterized mainly by the use of intense colors, open composition, light and movement and brush strokes. The roots of impressionism are the early 19th century plein-air painting methods by the Barbizon school and naturalism of Camille Corot. Impressionists specialized mainly in genre scenes and landscapes. They were mainly concerned with producing visual reality in their paintings in terms of fleeting effects of color and light (Gunderson 35). The pioneers of impressionism included Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, Alfred Sisley, Manet and Degas. Monet was one of the most celebrated impressionists of his time. He was best known for his landscape painting. He particularly concentrated on painting the instant changes in nature. For instance, if nature changed color after a short while, Monet would blindly follow the change in his paintings to depict the true color of nature. Another painter who was revered was Manet. At the age of 29 years, he was reputed as the leading realistic painter (Halliwell 45). He was noted mainly for his reinterpretation of neoclassical themes and his approach to oil painting. The main characteristics of impressionism was a sense of immediacy, emphasis on light and its changes in quality, appearance of movement, unusual visual angles, overall effect rather than detail and visual brush strokes. Impressionists sought to capture and display nature at instants. They wanted to depict the changes in nature through paintings. They also aimed at showing the movements of the various phenomena in nature through art. The stylistic developments of impressionism included the use of short and broken brushstrokes that hardly convey forms, use of pure unmixed colors, and emphasis on the effect of light. Post-impressionism, on the other hand, was a style or movement of painting that sought to break away from the naturalism of impressionism and used color in expressive ways like expression of emotions rather than just optical impressions. Post-impressionists rejected the random spontaneity exercised by impressionists in favor of measured painting techniques based in science and study of optics (Nochlin 136). They believed that separate touches of interlaced color produced a higher vibrancy of color than what was being practiced by the impressionists. The main proponents of post-impressionism include Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Paul Cezanne, Paul Gauguin, Georges Seurat, and Vincent van Gogh. The most influential person in post-impressionism is Georges Seurat. He is considered the father of post-impressionism. His styles of painting signaled a new trend that shifted from the traditional impressionism. He introduced a new style of painting known as pointillism or divisionism that sought to employ a scientific approach in the use of color. This led to a shift from impressionism, which concentrated in using unmixed primary colors. His main technique was that of using weaving and layering brushstrokes. This enabled him to achieve tapestry-like paint surfaces that depicted complementary and contrasting hues. This made his works to be admired by even other great post-impressionists like Vincent van Gogh making him to be of a great influence to later artists. Seuratà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s influence on post-impressionism artists traversed many decades. This is seen in the works of later artists like Charles Angrand whose work greatly resembled that of Seurat. Another great post-impressionist was Paul Cezanne. Paul Cezanne was a French artist. He was one of the main founders of post-impressionism and his works laid the foundation of the shift from impressionism to post-impressionism (Halliwell 86). His main style of painting was the use short and loaded brushstrokes, a style b orrowed from impressionism. Vincent van Gogh, on the other hand, was a Dutch post-impressionist. His work was notable for its bold color, emotional honesty and rough beauty. Vincent was one of the most influential post-impressionism artists as his work had great influence on art in the 20th century. His love for art began when he was a small child and this would influence his decision to become an artist in his later years. During his lifetime, Vincent produced over 2100 artworks. Paul Gauguin was a French post-impressionism artist. He was one of the artists whose work highly influenced the shift from impressionism to post-impressionism, though he was recognized and appreciated until he died. He was renowned for his experimental use of color and introduction of the synthetist style of art which has had a big influence on the modern art. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec was a French painter. He is best known for depicting the colorful and theatrical life in Paris in art. This led to production of provocative, elegant and exciting images of life in those days. Together with the likes van Gogh, Gauguin and Cezanne, he was among the post-impressionists that greatly influenced the shift from impressionism (Halliwell 92). Post-impressionism was characterized by many styles due to contribution of each artist. These artists could not agree on a common style of painting. However, their main aim was to shift from impressionism. Some of the styles that characterized the early impressionism art included the detailed painting of a particular landscape, which was mainly employed by Cezanne. This was in a bid to move away from the overall effect style of impressionists. Cezanne sought to depict greater pictorial structure of nature. Another style that was prevalent among post-impressionists was the use of symbolic and expressive content. Artists like Gauguin created paintings from imagination or memory (Stein et al 58). They expressed in their works a great connection with subject that inspired the works. Post-impressionists also placed emphasis on harmony in terms of surface design. The main differences between impressionism and post-impressionism are that impressionists sought to capture nature in its original and primitive state while post-impressionists sought to involve their imagination and memory in their works. Impressionists detached themselves from their works while post-impressionist sought to involve their emotions and expressions in their works. Another difference between impressionism and post-impressionism was that impressionism was mainly characterized with simple and overall depiction of nature while post-impressionism sought to depict details of the works of art and nature. They sought to show the still nature of life while impressionists wanted to show nature in motion (Nochlin 87). Post-impressionism as a form of art was mainly concerned with abstract depiction of works art through imagination while impression sought a realistic depiction of nature. The two works of art that bring out the differences between impressionism and post-impressionis m is the Birth of Venus by Adolphe-William Bouguereau and the Harvester by Jules Adolphe. The two paintings depict the kind of ideals held in the two schools of thought. For instance, in the painting the Birth of Venus, there is evidence of activity. The portray shows immediacy of the scene where the momentary activities of the people are captured. There is also evidence of movement with everyone involved in some activity. There is also the basic use of color where one color is used to paint one scene. On the contrary, the Harvester is a timeless portrait that is detailed (Stein et al 78). There is a combination of reality and imagination in the painting of the portrait. For instance, though the artist the harvester as a commoner, he gives her the beauty not common with commoners. There is also a combination of colors in the portrait.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The War on Terrorism Has Not Compromised Civil Liberties Essay
The War on Terrorism Has Not Compromised Civil Liberties In the wake of 9/11, the United States of America began to fight a war on terrorism. Many in this country would say we actually started a war against ourselves. One argument is the war on terrorism has begun to erode our civil liberties. Have our civil liberties really been abused or have they been slightly altered by the Patriot Act to protect all Americans best interests? To fully protect Americans from future terrorist attacks monitoring, the Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force, and the Patriot Act have been essential components. Many complain the war on terrorism has invaded their right to privacy. People are worried their phone conversations and internet use are being monitored. The truth is only those suspected of terrorists acts are being closely monitored by the government. The fact is we need military tribunals, detention programs, monitoring of internet and phone activity and attorney-client conversations to protect all Americans from future terrorists attack (Ashcroft). Any person being monitored by the government is told before hand. For example; an inmate who's attorney-client conversation is being closely monitored know they are being overheard and can only be prosecuted for information pertaining to terrorism or future terrorist attacks. According to John Ashcroft monitoring conversations is one of the many steps needed to fight terrorism. Immigrants fear deportation from the United States and feel their rights have been violated since 9/11. Our government has instilled this fear by passing the Patriot Act. "The Patriot Act flowed from a draft bill circulated by the Department of Justice in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks" (Byr... ...e Senate Judiciary Committee. He said to scare the American people into losing their liberties only aids the terrorists, "for they erode our national unity and diminish our resolve†(Davies). Works Cited * Ashcroft, John. "The War on Terrorism Has Not Eroded Civil Liberties."  Civil Liberties: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed. Auriana Ojeda. New York: Greenhaven Press, 2004. * Byrd, Robert C. Losing America. pgs: 45-49 New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2004. * Davies, Frank. "Civil Liberties: Ashcroft Defends U.S. antiterror tactics." Detroit Free Press. 7 December 2001. 6 November 2004. <>. * Hannity, Sean. Let Freedom Ring. pg: 133 New York: Regan Books, 2002. * Hendrickson, David C., and Robert W. Tucker. "The Sources of American Legitimacy." Foreign Affairs. New York: 2004.Â
Monday, November 11, 2019
Philosophical Theories Essay
It can be thought that the very foundation of philosophy lies mainly on the person’s way of thinking influenced by the critical observation of his surroundings and how he stands as an existing entity (Thomas, 1990). In the education sector, the philosophies and theories in learning influence the overall teaching scope from the instructors to the students.     Primarily, the teachers are the main initiators of interaction within the class. He designates the relative importance of education philosophies without even having to emphasize that he is going to use it. Sometimes, even the teacher himself is not really aware that interaction processes with the class already signify philosophical approaches.     One example is Idealism. In this aspect, the teacher becomes the role model for the students who will project a character of having ethical and moral values as accorded by the society (Slater). The class then will have an advantage knowing that they could depend on a specific attribute to apply something â€Å"good†to their lives.     Another philosophy is Realism. In this facet, the teacher is able to signify what is to be found in nature by understanding the very essence of reality (Slater). This teaching scope will let the students become more aware of the natural world without the harm of having biased thoughts according to the teacher’s perception.     One more example of an education philosophy is pragmatism. This aspect also lets the teacher to learn together with the students (Slater). This will bring beneficial interaction by opening a larger avenue for two way communication which will help address the individual learning needs of each student. References Slater, T. N.D. Critique of Various Philosophies and Theories of Education. IJOT-Educational Philosophies Thomas, W. 1990. What is Philosophy? The Atlas Society. Retrieved January 31, 2008 from–409-FAQ_Philosophy.aspx.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Manchester essays
Manchester essays Manchester is located in England in The MIDLANDS, right in the centre of Britain, shown on Diagram 1. Manchester has a population of about 450, 000 and a land size of 40,000 square metres. As you can see from Diagram 2 which is a base map of Manchester, the form of this city is a core. (A core is where settlements are clumped together in the middle and situated randomly around the sides.) The reasons for this Core formation is that the river Mersey is located in the centre of the city and the topography of the land is resemble flat with a few rolling hills here or there. Because of the flat relief it is easier for a city to expand and to build more infrastructure. Also because of the river and major roads accessibility is high into the city. Due to the accessibility of the river it provides small boats to sail to Liverpool and export cotton around world, which is the main production industry in Manchester. As you can see from diagram 3 which is the Land use model, Manchester has a lot of residential settlements ( which are in yellow) and commercial settlements (in pink). The commercial settlements are situated near the river and main roads for easy access to the city. The small brown square is the Industrial area. The main industry in Manchester is the huge cotton factories. Lastly the grey areas are the transportation systems such as airports, train and bus routes. All these areas and systems are in the urban part of Manchester, but if you look at the land use model you see residential such as the dark green area on this map which is forest. The white squares are Barren Land which were caused by mining back in 17-1850 and nothing has been able to grow or produce There are 3 major zones in Manchester: - The Industrial ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Steve Wozniak essays
Steve Wozniak essays At first I had began brainstorming trying to think of a subject for this paper. I had heard Mr. Perry speak of Apple computer and of Steve jobs. His rise to power and his fall from grace then his rebirth, like the phoenix from in myths and legends rising from his own ashes. However I didnt know much about the subject. So I decided on the subject of Apple computers. Then the more I researched I found a more interesting subject. In the next few pages I am going to attempt to do justice of the accomplishments of Steve Wozniak. No not the other Steve, I found Steve Wozniak a more interesting person simply because I had never heard of the man. I never new he existed. Being of lesser knowledge than most on the subject of computers I found it fascinating. The way Steve Wozniak did things. Steve Wozniak was born in 1950. A baby boomer he grew up in suburban Santa Clara Valley, California with his parents and siblings. His father was an engineer for Lockheed and his mother was the president of a Republican Womens Club. He was into electronics heavily even as a child and young teenager. While looking at a magazine article he spotted a diagram for a simple calculator called the One-Bit-Adder-Subtractor. Woz, as his friends called him, dissected the plans and made improvements. In Cupertino Science Fair he took home first prize with the Ten Bit Parallel Adder Subtractor. It was his first attempt at building a computer. This would be the beginning of a great learning era it would seem. In junior high he had already taught himself how to design programs in computer languages. At homestead high school he absorbed everything he could about electronics and physics. He fare outreached his counter parts in class. After he graduated he went on to the University of Colorado but flunked out. You see he was bored with school because he was so intelligent. At least that is what he tells everyone. Returning to Ca...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Problems In The Gym Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Problems In The Gym - Essay Example The windows are always opened with some trees planted outside to increase circulation of fresh air in the hall. The equipments are adjustable in order to accommodate a variety of users thus creating comfort when using without straining. Ramage and Bean suggest that everything with merits never lacks some demerits, there are some negative attributes associated with this gym (34). These are some of the things that create discomfort in durations that I am working out in the gym. However, the things can be tolerated, in order to concentrate with their routine activities. On the other hand, some of these problems are difficult to deal with and avoid. One of these things is the fact that sometimes the gym can be intimidating when one is surrounded by unfamiliar people starring. This brings a feeling of discomfort, and it can result to distressing feelings especially when a person is new in the place. The other discomfort arises when one is surrounded by sweaty people who are deeply involve d in their working out routine. Sometimes the place becomes humid causing difficulties in breathing properly especially when one is lifting a heavyweight. The other problem is related with fear of hurting yourself with the heavyweights through accidents. This also created a lot of discomfort when lifting heavy weight. One of the ideas that have contributed to my positive perception towards the gym is the fact that the place looks organized. This is a point that can be support by the idea that if a place looks attractive to the eyes then a person is motivated to be related with that thing or place. That is the reason for the feeling of comfort whenever am in the gym; therefore, the feeling of doing something that contributes to my well-being also contributes to my happiness (The American Council on Exercise, 1). The other point is related to the comfort felt when handling various equipments in the gym. Given that some of the equipments in the gym carry a lot of weight, one may end up hurting their palms if there is no gripping pad fitted on the equipments, or if they are worn out without being replaced. Therefore, I find the place particularly impressive see that the gym equipments are maintained well to facilitate the comfort in using the equipments. The other points related to the fresh are circulating in the hall due to the opened windows. There are of the gyms that have been fitted with equipment beyond their carrying capacity, and this makes the place to have reduced air circulation. Therefore, this is impressive to find that the gym is organized in a way that the air is circulating well for everyone. In order to discuss the way I deal with the challenges in the gym, there is a need to focus on the problem is related to a feeling of intimidation, when a person is staring. I find the behavior of starring being rude though people do it in one way or the other. When a person is staring they are obviously thinking something about how a person looks or what one is doing. This makes people think that they are not using the equipment in the right way, or maybe a person is doing something wrong. This problem is eventually dealt with as one continues to use the equipments and gains the confidence in what they are doing.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Essential Elements of a Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Essential Elements of a Crime - Essay Example Under our scenario, it is evident that conduct of Stephen of punching Vincent in the stomach is, the actus reus of battery. Battery in itself is unlawful taking into consideration that it is often meant at hurting the other party intentionally. In other words, Stephens’s unlawful offensive physical contact against Vincent is tantamount to a criminal offence. Commission acts is a significant proof for the actus reus of a crime. The case at hand can also be examined from causation point of view whereby action of the defendant resulted on a particular consequence. For instance, it can be established that Stephen’s act of punching Vincent was the major cause of Vincent’s illness. This clearly proves that in case a definition of the actus reus calls for a proof of an occurrence of a particular consequences then the prosecutor carries the responsibility of proving that the defendant’s conduct directly caused the consequences. For instance, if the prosecutor beli eves that Stephen conduct of battery was the reasonable cause of Vincent death then he/she has to prove this assertion. A conduct in criminal law does not need to be a commission only but also omission. V asserts that Clarkson (2005: 102) Omission refers to failure to take a positive action and consequently results in injury. Under general common law not only in the United Kingdom but also in other countries practicing common law, no individual can be held criminally liable for an act of omission. However, there are exceptions to omission rule such as in cases where there is: statutory duty, contractual obligation, voluntary assumption of responsibility, duty due to defendants previous conduct, and public duty. Failure to act and or respond positively to the above exceptions can result to committing actus reus by omission. In our scenario Stephen was guilty of committing the actus reus of omission. This claim can be justified by the fact that he failed respond to his prior act of ca using bodily harm to Vincent and consequently led to victim’s death. Under the common law defendant is often expected to correct a dangerous situation, which he/she is directly responsible for its occurrence (Emanuel, 2007: 95). Instead of helping Vincent who was, gasping for air on the floor Stephen just chose to run away even after punching him. Meanwhile Jim cannot be held criminally liable for committing actus reus of omission taking into consideration that he was under any statutory or contractual duty to help Vincent and there his inaction cannot attract any penalty under common law. Task 2: principles of novus actus interveniens and the ‘egg shell rule’ Principle of novus actus interveniens is widely used in the context of causation and it is used to explain interference with the chain of causation or to mean 'a new intervening act' (Hodgson, & Lewthwaite, 2007: 61). The chain of causation in criminal law refers to the series of events triggered by the def endant that leads to a particular event and consequent injury. For instance, it can be established through a post-mortem that a serious stab wounds is the major cause of a victim’s death. The relationship between a guilty action and its consequences is an important premise for establishing guilt and final liability not only in
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